Analyze The Economic And Social Effects Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution began with a series of events starting in 1763 and eventually shaped the future of what would become the United States of America. These events were gradual, however as they compounded they eventually began encroaching upon the freedom that the colonists valued. A Chronological look at these events, and how they affected the economic, social, and political freedoms of the colonists, gives a clear picture of the reasons that lead to the American Revolutionary War and ultimately shaped the future of American culture. During the early colonization of America, colonists relied heavily on trade, with the goal achieving a self sustaining economy through Mercantilism. However, the many taxes passed by the British Parliament hindered their progress, upsetting the colonists. One of the first significant taxes was the Sugar Act of 1763, enacted by the british parliament, which added a tax to sugar bought by the colonists. This tax enraged the colonists because they enjoyed the use of sugar and they didn’t want to have to pay more for it. The colonists, in response, began to smuggle sugar and other goods. The british, in response to the smuggling, set up a court without a jury present and the presumption was that the colonists were guilty. This caused widespread protest throughout the colonies. The following year the Currency Act of 1764 was enacted by the British Parliament, which extended the currency act of 1751 restricting the printing of paper money by the colonies of New England. The Act limited…show more content…
The cumulation of years of being oppressed and ignored by the king finally angered the colonists enough to make a change in their values and the form of government they desired. Eventually the colonists won the battle and gained their freedom, and that desire for freedom and independence is greatly valued in The United States to this
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