Dbq for Ap World History

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Noel Hawkins Michelle Jones AP world history 7/24/13 Chapter Three Around 3200 b.c. egalitarian villages to big for socially stratified cities were made possible by an intensification of agriculture in which part of the population produced more food than was needed for its own subsistence. This surplus food could sustain everyone so not everyone had to be a farmer anymore. In uruk and other parts of the world a ruling elite would distribute the food. This made intensification which divide the rich and the poor: rulers and farmers. complex societies started to form from intensification. the shift was slow but inevitable. In mesopotamia the shift took five millennia and it also took thousands of years in china and the americas. In hunter/gatherer societies they had to share there belongs and food unlike farmers did. This way everyone could be happy and help move camp when game left that particular area. In hunter/gatherer societies tended to not want to make the other humans jealousy. it was not till the advent of agriculture that the first indications of wealth and private ownership appear in the world. “Big men” were created because of that wealth and private ownership. They win control of the flow of surplus food and other goods and so amass a group of followers. They will do anything to acquire more resources like obtaining multiple wives to give away : one wife for a garden , one to collect wood etc. There are many theories if big men became chiefs because of their power but know one really knows for
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