Ap World History

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A: Yali's question in Guns,Germs, and Steel, The Fates of Human Society was "why is it that white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?" With that being said, Yali is attempting to ask how did white people develop technology beyond the technology in the black people's possession, and why didn't the black people develop technology to the extent of the white people? B: Pizarro's capture of Atahuallpa explains thoroughly why Europeans colonized the New World instead of the Native Americans colonizing Europe. The reason why Europeans colonized the New World instead of Native Americans colonizing that was displayed in the capture of Atahullapa is technology. Technology is crucial to Pizarro's capture of Atahuallpa and for European conquest in the New World since Pizarro's men were equipped with guns, armor, steel swords, and ships needed to travel vast distances across Oceans, whereas the Native Americans were equipped with lesser advanced technology such as no armor and stone tools. In addition, ships needed to travel vast distances were not available for Native Americans so, therefore, Native Americans conquering Europe did not occur. C: The availability of domesticated plants and animals explains why empires, literacy, and steel weapons developed earliest in Eurasia. For example, domestication of plants and animals led to settled permanent farms. Since there is no need for most people to hunt, and given that permanent settlement will contribute to stored food, then most people will devote their lives to other pursuits other than farming, such as artisan and warriors, craftsman, kings, etc. This advantage was first identified in Eurasia while most of the New World still heavily relied on the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This lifestyle forces everyone to hunt for their own food and the time to

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