Independence Movement Dbq

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“I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.” - Alexis de Tocqueville. After the horrific and devastating World War II, independence was in high demand. Many independence movements along with revolutions, stopped colonization and imperialism and shaped the present world. These movements and revolutions needed strong leaders to create change. Many were against Nationalism such as Communists, causing rises for independence and unification. Different leaders used specific and different tactics and methods of fighting for unification and freedom including violence, nonviolence, and declaration from governmental organizations. It is an essential human necessity for the…show more content…
Although it was the underdog, it was quite effective and had a huge impact in liberation and imperialism. Ghandi is a famous and common name brought up in nonviolence methods. There was much violence in India during British control, for example, clashes in between Muslims and Hindus. Muslim-Hindu conflict cost at least a million lives. In 1945, the British viceroy handed power back to India freely. Mohandas Gandhi fought with nonviolence before the British handed over the power back to India. Gandhi describes the positive motives for a nonviolence approach to Indian independence, “Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering…” (Doc 3) India was a huge asset to the British Empire especially during World War II. Gandhi said, “I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire.” (Doc 3) He yelled this statement during the Salt March. Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya and leader for independence, stated, “The land is ours. When Europeans came, they kept us back and took our land. The freedom tree can only grow when you pour blood on it” (Doc.6). Kenyatta is accusing Europeans of overpowering and captivating Kenya, which belongs to the people of Kenya. This leader gave them drive to fight by telling them it will take blood sweat and tears to regain Kenya. By giving the people of Kenya a goal to fight for nonviolence became the best option. Nonviolent movements were lead by intellectuals and labor activists like Nelson Mandel. Nelson was fighting for the end of apartheid in South Africa. Nelson proclaimed, “I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities”. (Doc 4) Mandela gave up everything for his goal: that all people live in a unified, democratic, and free cultured society. It would end apartheid, which racial (white) superiority in South Africa.

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