David Brice Research Paper

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My name is David Brice, and this is my story. I had a very good upbringing with extremely loving parents and siblings. I had the same struggles as every child has, some ups and downs but in general quite the happy childhood. My school life was a different matter, I couldn't stand it and it wasn't long before I was getting into all sorts of trouble, I took a beating from a teacher once and that was it I had a deep loathing for the teachers and couldn't wait to leave school. My family were religious and I got a bit of stick for this at school which I must admit didn't help but it wasn't the religions fault it was the cruel bigoted kids. But I decided at the age of 16 I wanted to venture into the world without religion and although it caused my family much heartache I left to do the things I wanted to. I want to make clear from the start that I wasn't trying to run away from anything or escape, I was just a teenager who thought he knew what was best. I was extremely fit as a young teenager and I was into weight training and bodybuilding and loved most sport. I managed to get a job straight out of…show more content…
I began to accept I was an alcoholic and I remember going to the pub one final time. I went there with the sole purpose of staying sober. I got there at opening time as usual, but rather than a pint of alcohol I asked for a pint of coke, which caused a few raised eyebrows. I managed to keep to my resolve and continued to drink soft drinks, after about 3 hours a sobering realization(pardon the pun) hit me. I had nothing in common with these's people any longer. I wanted to stop the drinking and it was never going to happen in this environment. I have nothing against my former associates, but I often wonder how many are still to this day in the same place drinking the same
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