Danial's Rhetorical Analysis

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In this paper, Danial’s thesis seems to be clear on what he is going to write about. Danial is explaining how citizenship can save America through Barber; the author. He points out some strong statements where he is able to back up it up. As Danial explained ”Every nation in the world looked at America with admiration and not only did they respect America, but they believed in the leadership offered by America. The leadership did not come from the government however; it came from hard working citizens who were more concerned about the well being of their nation than their own lives” (2). Through that statement I saw that Danial stayed on the path to talk about citizenship saving America. The statement was able to explain that citizens pretty…show more content…
Danial doesn’t directly state what his argument is but as you start and end the readings you know what he talking about. He first starts in his thesis explaining about how money has a great toll on American society. After that he explains into more detail that there are consequences where you lose your citizenship. As the readings go on Danial says that America used to be based solely on its citizens and not based on money or the government. To me, his paper was organized well and his conclusion topped his paper off too. The part of his conclusion that stood out to me was stated “Citizenship came from people’s love for the country and the trust in our leaders to do what was right. We are faced with some of the most difficult challenges America has seen. We cannot overcome these challenges without citizenship and social responsibility” (4-5). I thought this statement that was written was well because the last sentence of the paper shows what he was trying to explain; citizenship saving…show more content…
Shouldn’t he have used all three? There was also a few statements that had me puzzled. The first statement was when Danial mentioned “America has never been stronger and more influential in the world as it was after World War II” (1) and “During World War II, the nation came together to achieve a common goal” (1). I felt that these two statements should be explained a further bit more or at least give a hint of some background to
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