Dances With Wolves

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CREATIVE MEETINGS THROUGH POWER SHARING (George M. Prince) Submitted to: Prof. Remegio Gabuya, CPA Submitted by: Josephine P. Dioquino Meetings are a fact of our everyday lives, whether in businesses, organizations, or clubs. How well we present ourselves and our ideas and how well we work with others during meetings will determine our success in all areas of our careers and lives. Unfortunately, many meetings are boring, unproductive, and too long. How a presenter or the audience can help to turn this around? In a meeting, two or more people come together to discuss one or more topics for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement, often…show more content…
In fact, it took place in a tepee, in a scene from Dances with Wolves (1990), the Oscar-winning film featuring Kevin Costner. The scene takes place after a group of Native Americans discover Costner not far from their camp. Around 30 members of the tribe gathered around for a meeting. There was one big question on their agenda: What should they do with this mysterious white man - kill him to send a message to others who might follow, or leave him alone to signal their willingness to reason with such…show more content…
Decisions are the “valium” of meetings. They offer relief from the tension of what lies ahead, from the uncertainty of the world. They tend to create an illusion of progress. Now we do not have to worry about that issue anymore. Often it takes courage for a group to end a meeting without making a decision. There is a legitimate social component to meetings. Sure, we would all rather be efficient than sloppy in our work. We would all rather spend our time on "real work" than on "idle chitchat." But you should never overlook the social side of work rituals - even in meetings that are "all business”. You can schedule 5 or 10 minutes of open time, just to encourage people to relate to one another. If you plan for such time, if you put it on your agenda, then you ought to feel not to be doing. Instead, you can enjoy going around the room and asking people what they did last night, or over the
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