Daisy Buchanan in the Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald does much to make the character Daisy, worthy of Jay Gatsby’s affection. Yet, in the end, Daisy’s true nature reveals itself and we see her as a selfish and shallow woman. Jay Gatsby loves the idea of her so greatly, that in fact, the reader themselves would like to see her be worthy. Throughout this novel, Fitzgerald associates Daisy with beauty, innocence, and light, which leads the reader to believe Daisy to be a harmless being. Throughout the book, her motivations and personality are called to question. Each time Nick visits her, more and more of her true self is revealed. Finally, in the end, she is the opposite of how Fitzgerald has painted her to be. Through out the novel, The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan is portrayed as pure. The author always describes the two leading female characters, Daisy and Jordan, dressed in white outfits. At one point in the novel, Daisy recalls he own childhood and describes it as white. The color white is oftentimes associated with purity, hope, and innocence. Therefore, the reader can identify Daisy Fay Buchanan as a pure, naive, and innocent character. On the contrary, she is not; she is the cause of most, if not all, the conflicts throughout the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We can first see Daisy's true character when she marries Tom Buchanan, but obviously does not love him. " ‘Daisy's change' her mine!' " "She began to cry-she cried and cried…She wouldn't let go of the letter." The reader can defiantly tell she did not want to marry Tom; we can also go deeper into the novel and notice the note and begin to assume she loved Gatsby by the way she clutched the letter while in tears. This absolutely detracts from her innocent character Fitzgerald has positioned her as. The reader can again see another side of Mrs. Buchanan when her daughter Pammy is introduced in the novel. Daisy

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