Cunfucianism and Legalism

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Comparative Analysis Confucianism and Legalism are two systems of society in which things are gone about in different ways. Confucianism is the complex system of moral, social, political, and religious teachings that aim to create a man of learning and of good manners. Legalism was a system that was set up to make model people behave and act how the dynasty wanted. Laws that were supported by Legalists were meant to support the state, the emperor, and his military. Legalists believed that if the punishment was heavy and the law against their actions were strict, neither the powerful nor the weak would be able to escape the consequences. There are a lot of different aspects of Confucianism and Legalism that have opposing views; the role of government was one of them. In Confucianism, the government was designed to have a good ruler that the people respected and obeyed. The intent was to have the government benefit the people. Legalists on the other hand, believed that the people were there to serve the government and that the government was the main priority in the society. Another difference between the two systems was the mentality of the people. People in the Confucian society believed that people should love and respect each other. Legalists believed that the love and care of individuals should not be made a priority or a concern. Legalists instead focused on having one another spied on, and reported if they saw any one as a lawbreaker. They were more out to get each other, then to get along. Family life and your status on the social ladder were two other huge differences in these types of systems. In a Confucian society family was a main priority and that the son of the family was to always do his best to protect and bring respect to his family name. Their rank in society was determined by education, and how educated a man became. From the
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