Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Questions 1, 5, and 6 Gabby Kennedy 2 December 2011 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon illustrates a tale of affection, obedience, yearning, and the complementary forces of yin and yang, all tied together and influenced by Confucian morals and standards. The emphasis on the relationship between balance, control, and power flows with the spontaneous romance between Jen and Lo, and the disciplined, secretive love between Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai. Through their experiences, balance, regret, and desire are discovered and understood. The primary themes that flow throughout Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are love, desire, discipline, and balance. Jen and Lo demonstrate unconditional, unrestrained love. Their relationship shows the transformation of emotion to compassion. Another demonstration of love is Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai, but their relationships yields restrictions and complications. In a past battle, Shu Lien’s fiancé lost his life to save Li Mu Bai’s. According to Confucian training, Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai would be disgracing Shu Lien’s fiancé if they got together. Shu Lien was unable to take the initiative in the matter of emotions and had to wait until Li Mu Bai brought up any discussion of romance between them. Although Li Mu Bai had feelings for Shu Lien, he worried of hurting his honor and integrity by starting a romance with her after her fiancé’s sacrifice. Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai desired each other, but destiny made all moments inopportune to discuss what they felt. It takes a certain level of discipline to restrain oneself from true love. Jen and Lo show balance in their relationship, embodying the complementary forces of yin and yang. Jen has power from being nobility, but she lets herself be manipulated by Jade Fox, an evil nemesis of Li Mu Bai. What Jen desires is power from her skills in fighting. A level of respect is

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