Critical Analysis of the Main Character - the Reader

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A Critical Analysis of the Death of a Main Character Jordan Murray Brown 10069440 English 2 Ron Schepper April 11th, 2012 Suicide remains very much a taboo subject despite the progress made in our cultural attitudes towards death. This discomfort has serious consequences, as it may be preventing proper analysis of the root causes of suicide. While some of the reasons that lead to suicide are identifiable, many are not and unfortunately lie beneath the surface of a person until it is too late. In “The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink, suicide is the path one of the main characters of the story, Hanna, chooses to take to aid her struggles. As readers, we can not help but speculate on the reasons that drove Hanna to suicide. Reasons for her death may be held accountable by the disparity and misunderstanding she felt with her environment and the people that were in it. Her death could also be seen as something that was brought on and became more prominent after she became more informed of the implications of her actions during the Second World War. Though one can speculate as to why one makes the decision to takes their own life, it is hard to pinpoint the actual reason, as it something that will never be truly revealed due to the loss of life. During the last pages of the book much is revealed about Hanna. We are able to hear her side of situations for the first time in the story. Since she kept her emotions and inner thoughts to herself for the majority of the book, there is great significance in her sharing. One speculation as to why she killed herself could be linked to the disparity and misunderstanding she felt within her environment and with the people involved. When asked about whether she thought about the trial after the fact, she replied: “I always had the feeling that no one understood me anyway, that no one knew who I was and what made me do

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