Case Study: Depression Ellen

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Case Study: Depression Answer Sheet Ellen: Depression and Suicidality Student Name: Diagnosing Ellen 1a. Refer to the DSM-IV checklist and list all symptoms that Ellen has that match the criteria for major depressive episode. Which of Ellen's symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.) |Ellen has felt sad for the last month. She feels that she has become seriously depressed. She suffers from a decreased appetite, and I| |would expect her to be experiencing weight loss. She is experiencing insomnia. Recurrent thoughts of suicide. | 1b. Can Ellen be said to be suffering from a major depressive disorder? |Yes, Ellen can be said to be suffereing from a major depressive disorder. | 1c. Explain and defend your diagnoses or lack thereof. |Ellen matches the criteria for at least five of the DSM-IV checklist symptoms for a major depressive episode. | 2. Where does Ellen fit with Shneidman’s taxonomy of people who intentionally end their lives? |Ellen is a death ignorer. She seems to believe her death will be some sort of revenge on her ex boyfriend, but doesn’t communicate that| |she would not be around to see the results of her suicide. | 3. What factors are present that may trigger a suicide attempt by Ellen? |She has a plan for her suicide, and is taking steps toward preparation for it. | Explaining Ellen’s Depression and Suicidality 1. What genetic factors might play a role in Ellen’s depression? |Ellen’s father was an alcoholic.

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