Criminal Defense Case Analysis

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Criminal Defense Case Analysis Kelly Douglas CJA/354 Professor Winch April 14, 2014 Criminal Defense Case Analysis Self Defense The Trayvon Martin case is one of the more recent and widely known cases that addresses the issue of a self defense case being used. This case surfaced in February 26, 2014 in Orlando, Florida where a 17-year-old African American male was walking to a nearby convenience store and drew the interest of a neighborhood leader. The neighborhood watch leader was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head when law enforcement officers arrived, however Trayvon Martin was laying dead on the ground, shot by the neighborhood watch leader's 9mm gun. The neighborhood watch leader claimed that himself and Martin had gotten into a scuffle and that he shot the youth in self defense (Dahl, 2013). Florida developed a “stand your ground” self-defense law that is noted to be one of the strongest in regards to self-defense laws in 2005. This law identifies that an individual is justified in using deadly force against an aggressor if they reasonably believe that they must do so in order to protect themselves from great bodily harm. The key word for this defense is “reasonable” and there has been quite a deal of controversy about what is considered to be reasonable. Everyone has a different view and may believe that Martin appeared to be harmful because he was a young, African American male walking alone in the dark of the night. To this date, the neighborhood watch leader who shot and killed Trayvon Martin claiming to do so in self-defense has not been charged with any crime. Individuals even feel that this type of law can be confusing for law enforcement because of the idea that everyone's perceptions are different and what one person believes is threatening, another may not be affected at all. Insanity Insanity defense is asked

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