'Crime and Deviance Are a Result of a Strain Between the Goal of 'Money Success' and the Socially Approved Means of Achieving It' Assess This View

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‘Crime and deviance are a result of a strain between the goal of ‘money success’ and the socially approved means of achieving it.’ Assess this view. Merton’s Strain theory suggests deviance is the result of a strain between the goals a culture encourages individuals to aim for and what the structure of society allows them to achieve legitimately. The view therefore suggests people engage in deviant behaviour when they cannot achieve goals by legitimate means. Merton’s theory is based in the 1930s, in relation to pursuing the American dream following a meritocratic ideology. However in reality, poverty and discrimination block paths adding the pressure to achieve ‘the dream’ through illegitimate means. Merton identified 5 ways in which individuals adapt to strain/threat of anomie; conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion. These all focus on ‘the goal’ and how they will achieve success depending on the class/subculture they belong in. In agreement with Merton, A.K Cohen suggests it is harder for lower class to achieve success goals legitimately. Merton’s approach explains how both normal and deviant behaviour can stem from the same goals, however it clearly ignores the power of the ruling class to make and enforce laws, and is too deterministic as not all working class people deviate. A.K Cohen alternatively disagrees with the majority of the strain theory as he states deviance is an individual not group response to strain, and believes Merton only focuses on utilitarian crimes and not crimes with no economic motives. Cohen suggests working class boys are the anomie in the middle class education system, and as they lack the skills to achieve they develop status frustration and therefore group together with those of a similar mind-set which creates a subculture. A.K Cohens view overall does not support the suggestion that crime and deviance are

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