Crazy Sport Essay

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The topic of my presentation is crazy sport. Nowadays there are many kinds of extreme sports: motofreestyle, slalom skiing, parkour, mountain biking and etc., but to my mind the most craziest sport is professional wrestling. Professional wrestling is a kind a spectacle, combining athletics and theatrical performance.It takes the form of events, held by touring companies, which mimic a title match combat sport. The unique form of sport portrayed is fundamentally based on classical and "catch" wrestling, with modern additions of striking attacks, strength-based holds and throws, and acrobatic maneuvers; much of these derive from the influence of various international martial arts. An additional aspect of combat with improvised weaponry is sometimes included to varying degrees. The matches have predetermined outcomes in order to heighten entertainment value, and all combative maneuvers are worked in order to lessen the chance of actual injury.These facts were once kept highly secretive but are now a widely accepted open secret. By and large, the true nature of the performance is not discussed by the performing company in order to sustain and promote the willing suspension of disbelief for the audience by maintaining an aura of verisimilitude. Wrestling as a show, has become especially prominent in Japan and in Central and North America. High-profile figures in the sport have become celebrities or cultural icons in their native or adopted home countries. Although professional wrestling started out as petty acts in sideshows, traveling circuses and carnivals, today it is a billion-dollar industry. Revenue is drawn from ticket sales, network television broadcasts, pay-per-view broadcasts, branded merchandise and video. Although professional wrestling is worked, there is a high chance of injury, and even death. There have been many brutal accidents, hits and

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