Courage Is Stronger Than Fear

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Do you let fear control you? In Aung San Suu Kyi’s “Freedom From Fear”, she explains that it is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear is defined as being afraid or feeling anxious or apprehensive about an event. Fear stops many people from trying new things. It breaks and controls them in what they do and when they do it. It does not allow them to have enough courage to stand up for themselves and does not allow them to stand up for their rights or what their beliefs in. Fearless you shall be and let courage reign. Fear destroys all sense of right and wrong, not allowing us to control our own lives. In “Freedom From Fear”, Aung San Suu Kyi explains the four a-gati, also known as the four kinds of corruption. Chanda-gati is corruption induced by desire. It is straying away from the right path and persuading or wagering. Dosa-gati is taking the wrong path in spite of others. It is being a follower of the corrupt, instead of being a leader of the noble. Mosa-gati is deviation due to ignorance. The worst of the four a-gati’s is bhaya-gati. It is when fear slowly destroys all sense of right and wrong. All four are corrupting the world and overpowering people’s courage. We need courage to be successful in life. Growing up in Beurma Aung San Suu was taught to be leery of being passive. Kyi uses a metaphor saying we can either be water in cupped hands or splinters of glass in cupped hands. The water represents the people who are content to just live life without change. The water in cupped hands cannot control its release from the uncapped hands as there is nothing to cause a change. The splinters of glass represent the ones willing to change and live life with courage and without fear. The splinters of glass in cupped hands would cut the hands releasing them. Fear is something people need to overcome. We need to be more like the splinters of glass strong, with
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