Conflict Management Essay

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CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLE AND ITS SUSTAINBILITY OF TEAMWORK IN NIGEERIAN BANKING SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF SOME SELECTED BANKS IN ABUJA. A RESEARCH PROPOSAL PRESENTED TO PROF. J.A FALOLA BY NKASHI, THOMAS ODEY SPS/10/MMN/00003 M.Sc. MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO MAY, 2012 INTRODUCTION Conflicts have remained permanent and inevitable issues in every human interaction. It is a concomitant feature of human association and can not be eliminated or avoided, an attempt to blow conflict out of human organizations is an attempt to eliminate humanity. However, its proper management and transformation are essential for peace, progress and sustainability of teamwork. Conflict occurs with two or more people who, despite their first attempts at agreement, do not yet have agreement on a course of action, usually because their values, perspectives and opinions are contradictory in nature. Conflict can occur within oneself when one is not living according to his/her values, when one’s values and perspectives are threatened and when there is discomfort from fear of the unknown or from lack of fulfillment. Conflict management is something that is necessary to teamwork and everyday life, and if conflicts are properly manage they can provide members of a conflict with a valuable learning situation and change. Conflict is an opportunity to change (Positive or negative), Chinese adage. Conflicts occur when individuals or groups have ideas or interests that are incompatible with those of others (Etuk, 2002). It is a natural discord resulting from a situation when the interests, needs, goals or values and perception of involved parties interfere with one another (context definition). Conflict can occur at individual, interpersonal, group, or organisational levels.
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