Computer Affect On Literacy

529 Words3 Pages
n the modern life, computers have become one of the most important equipment which help people in many areas such as: education, communication and entertainment. However, there are two different opinions about using computer. On the one hand, there are some ideas supporting that the use of computers will help children learn better, especially in writing and reading. On the other hand, some people agree that the damage in literacy of young people is caused by computer use. This essay will discuss both sides of this argument. Firstly, if people use computers more in writing, they will write better. Obviously, because of writing e-mail ,blog and chat online the users can develop their writing skills. In these situations, writers are in an active position so they will spend more time writing to make their e-mails or blogs attractive to the readers. For example, Americans trust that computers will bring a development in writing skills “Americans Believe Computers Have Positive Effect On Writing Skills”(Washington, DC, July 10, 2007). There is 74% agreement that computer skills should be a compulsory subject for high school graduation. In this survey, it also supports that using computer applications help the user to write better. Secondly, another benefit of using this machine is in overseas conferences. When people are staying in different countries, one of the most convenient methods to meet each other is to hold a meeting on the internet by using computer. People can immediately answer questions or write a document to send their partners. As Howard Rheingold presented in the book : “The media reader: continuity and transformation”, in virtual communication people can perform most actions like people in the real-life do. However, using computers may lead to the negative influence on users' literacy and grammar mistakes in writing may come from computer use.
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