Comparission Of "The Last Duchess: And "A Doll's H

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The interpretation of poems, plays, and stories will depend on the person’s thought and values of whoever is reading them. Thus, any theme derived from a body of work depends on that person’s interpretation. Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess,” Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, and William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily,” each tell widely different stories about the life in the eighteen and nineteen hundreds. However, most would agree that there is an underlying theme of love in each author’s work. Each work of fiction demonstrates the differing aspects and motivations that can result from the feeling of love. Love can make people act differently, as if they are different people completely. Browning’s poem, “My Last Duchess,” explores the possessive side of love and looks at the motivations behind this type of emotion. Throughout the poem, the duke is speaks of his first wife, by describing the painting by Frà Pandolf. “After saying that he alone opens the curtain, the duke promptly begins a catalog of complaints about the way that his wife had acted” (Marchino, 2). The duke felt that her cheeks were blushed due to Pandolf’s compliments of her for being “courteous to everyone she encountered to everyone she encountered, for enjoying life too much” (Marchino, 2). He felt as if she never appreciated his name, and “failed to see him as superior to others” (Marchino, 2). Because he loved her he believed that he owned her and therefore he alone should be the only person allowed to ever see her smile and blushing cheeks. Through the thoughts and actions of the duke, Browning shows the possessive and jealous nature of love and how this can affect the actions of people who claim to be in love. The duke felt that his wife’s unchanging aspect was not a true form of love. However, Browning is less clear on weather the duke’s possessiveness should be considered a true
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