Comparison of Three Sculptures

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Comparison of Three Sculptures If you examine the sculptures of Donatello’s David from the early renaissance period Michelangelo’s David sculpted during the high renaissance, and Bernini’s David from the baroque period, you will find differences in sculpting style by these three artists. Many of these differences speak to the era during which they were constructed. Michelangelo sculpted in the renaissance style which idealizes the human form. In this style as demonstrated by this sculpture of David, the adult male is often depicted in his prime and very athletically portrayed. In this version of David the man is depicted as thoughtful in contrast to a more action implied stance favored by other styles of sculpture. This was very typical of the renaissance style as well as this was the age of thought and reason. David appears to be contemplating the upcoming altercation as opposed to Michelangelo depicting him as being engaged in it as in Bernini’s David from the baroque period. In looking at Bernini’s David sculpture it is quite different. David is in motion, in mid throw of the stone which will strike Goliath. The sculpture is not in contrapposto as Michelangelo’s is it has instead a much more natural stance which is appropriate for the fluid motion which Bernini was wishing to achieve. Even the look on David’s face is a stark contrast to that of Michelangelo’s sculpture. In this instance he wears an intense scowl, as if looking directly into the face of Goliath himself. This adds to the feeling that there is more to the seen that even what the artist has sculpted. The sculpture of Donatello’s David from the early renaissance period however was somewhat different. Donatello drew influence from multiple sources, Greek and Roman statuary mix with his own style for a unique take on the subject David. Although sculpted in classic contrapposto as we would likely
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