Comparing and Contrasting the Athenians and the Mayans

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Compare and Contrast #2: Athens and the Maya The Greek state of Athens and the American civilization of the Maya are possibly two of the most well-known and renowned societies of the Classical and Postclassical eras. The Athenians and the Mayans are generally viewed to be extremely different, but both can be clearly compared on the footing of their interactions with humans and the environment, interactions with cultures, and social structures. An example of such is their religion, both polytheistic and representative of their surroundings, but while the Mayan set of Gods existed to explain why the world is the way it is, the Athenian Gods had human-like traits and helped better their understanding of themselves and human nature all together. Any two civilizations in any given time period are going to be very different, but the Athenians and Mayans are especially distinct because of the vast environmental differences and influences, however both share common factors that are essential in any given successful society. In the Classical and Postclassical era, both Athens and the Maya showed distinct interactions between their members of society and the environment in the form of trade, patterns of settlement, and disease. The Mayans took part in trade with a number of other Central American societies, generally exporting handicrafts (mostly pottery), jaguar pelts, and Yucatan salts, and imported jade, obsidian, cocoa beans, and the feathers of exotic birds. Trade in Athens took place on the bay of Piraeus, its largest port, and very frequently had ships coming in from civilizations all along the Mediterranean, but most frequently from Italy and Egypt. The main difference between the trades in Athens to that of the Maya is the reasoning behind it. For the Mayans, it was purely for commerce and culture spread, but the Athenians depended on their trade connections in
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