Compare the Ways in Which Shakespeare and Stephenson Presents the Theme of Evil Through the Characters of Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde

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Compare the ways in which Shakespeare and Stephenson presents the theme of evil through the characters of Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde In ‘Macbeth’, to an Elizabethan audience the evil being explored is that of killing a king. Regicide to the Elizabethan’s was an act against God. In the Victorian novella ‘Jekyll and Hyde’, Stephenson is exploring the horror and evil of science used for personal gain. Shakespeare and Stephenson use these characters ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ as vehicles to explore the themes of violence, ambition, evil, power, desire to have a better life and guilt. Essentially, they are both great mean who have a position in society but each has a fatal flaw. Macbeth’s fatal flaw is ambition and Jekyll’s fatal flaw is professional vanity. Shakespeare presents Macbeth’s sense of evil through soliloquy and imagery, and Stephenson presents Jekyll’s evil through different types of narrative non-linear, third person, first person narrative and imagery. At the start of the play the tragic hero Macbeth is portrayed as loyal to the King and a brave solider. Macbeth is portrayed as a "good being" because he fought for his country and for his king. Shakespeare also describes Macbeth in such quotes as "for brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name" (pg. 38, line 16), and "What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won."(pg. 40 line 67). However As the play progresses, Macbeth's personality and actions become more deceitful leading to his destruction. Macbeth's changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his roles a general, husband and a king. When we encounter the three witches in the play's opening scene, we're not sure where they've come from, who/what they are, or what they have in mind when they say they plan to meet Macbeth. They have a profound influence over events in the play. What we do know is that they've gathered amidst

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