Macbeth Tragic Hero Research Paper

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Macbeth is a Tragic Hero A tragic hero must be a great personality with a flaw in character that leads to his downfall at the end of the tragedy. Macbeth’s flaw is his "vaulted ambition." He is also a villain in the case that he is emerged in the blood of Banquo and Macduff's family. But Macbeth ends up as a tragic hero. Shakespeare developed Macbeth's role through three stages. The first stage covers the murder of Duncan the King and it is done tragically. Shakespeare succeeded in shifting the guilt to the witches and their prophesies and lady Macbeth who appears in the first act to be so evil. It is the prophesies of the witches that awakened the ambition which was sleeping in the soul of Macbeth. It is the appearance of their second prophesy "thane of Cawdor" which misleads him and blurs his vision. "this supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, why hath it given me earnest of success commencing in a truth? I am thane of cawdor “ And it might be very true that it was the words of lady Macbeth, and her challenge of Macbeth's manhood that led him to commit the murder. "The values of christian humanity,acknowledge and understood by Macbeth are pitied against the more primitive code of the cavern." Lady…show more content…
He arranged both murders cold bloodedly, plotting with murderers, released from prison. Macbeth killed Banquo out of jealousy; because he is "lesser than Macbeth and greater" and "not so happy, yet much happier." He kills Banquo because Banquo will father kings while he is childless. he tries to work against fate and change the part of the prophesy that does not benefit him. It is not satisfactory for him to content his own ambition. he wants to establish a dynasty of kings. he cannot satisfy his ambition and that changes into burning anger, which knows nothing but

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