Macbeth Tragic Hero Quotes

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A Tragic Hero, Formed From the Worst Macbeth was once a strong, confident, and self-asserting man. Unfortunately, during his quest for control over the crown, Macbeth took a few drastic turns that led him into a spiraling downfall into despair and failure. His misfortune even ended up killing him. Macbeth had all good intentions. He wanted to rule his country, a perfectly sane and moral goal. His intentions went sour throughout his journey, however, when he came to the conclusion that in order to control the kingdom, he must kill Duncan, then Banquo along with Fleance, and finally the Macduff family. One would think, if reading just the facts of these murderous plans, that Macbeth is pure of evil intentions and destructive measures. However,…show more content…
Lady Macbeth has, at this point in the play, lost her mind, and her utter evilness tears the couple apart. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth calls his wife, “ dearest partner of greatness...” (I.iv.11-12). However, towards the end of the play when Lady Macbeth kills herself, he is unfazed, “She should have died hereafter. / There would have been a time for such a word. / Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.” (IV.iv.20-23). This proves the influence Lady Macbeth had on him, for him to be so altered and uncaring at the end of the play is merely the result of all the pressure and mental abuse she put on him while convincing him to become so destructive and…show more content…
They make Macbeth feel over confident with visions full of double meaning, which easily fools him into a state of content and invincibleness. They first capture his attentions when calling him the thane of Glamis (his original title) and thane of Cawdor. He doesn’t understand the second title, as there is already a thane of Cawdor, but is then informed that the King has appointed Macbeth thane of Cawdor because the previous thane of Cawdor is executed for treason. When Macbeth inquires about the prophesies coming true, Banquo tells him “...But ‘tis strange. / And oftentimes, to win us to out harm, / The instruments of darkness tell us truths,/ Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s/ In deepest consequence” (I.iii.121). Macbeth ignores Banquo’s idea, and instead further investigates the concept that he may one day be King. He considers whether the crown will fall into his hands, or if he will have to complete a dark deep in order to obtain it. The witches successfully plant the destructive idea into Macbeth’s head. Macbeth has a huge character flaw. This flaw is demonstrated in a plethora of plays, novels, and other literature, and is often the main character’s, or the tragic hero’s flaw that ends all good. It is greed. Macbeth is so full of greed, that no matter what he gets, he only wants more. The witches play off of this

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