Compare Due Prosess

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Summarize the conflict and crime control model versus the consensus and due process model. What role does law enforcement play in these policies? What roles do the prosecutor and courts play in these policies? What role do corrections play in these policies? Is there a difference between federal application and state and local application of policies? What is your opinion of the various policies? Explain in detail. How can we measure the effectiveness of these policies? The two models of crime with the aim of contrasting each other for decades are the crime control model and due process model. The due process model is the attitude that a person cannot be stripped of life, property or liberty without suitable legal processes and precautions. Any individual that is appointed with a crime is demanded to have their civil rights confined by the criminal justice organization below the due process model. The crime control model for rule enforcement is founded on the statement of complete dependability of police fact-finding, covers arrestees as if they are already originate responsible. (Johnson, 2002) Role of Law Enforcement Crime control model cites to a possibility of criminal justice which places stress on dropping the crime in company by altered law and prosecutorial authority. In counterpoint, the “due process model” centers person liberties and corrects and is concerned with bounding the abilities of authorities. The function those act in the policies is that they are authorities collected curricula. The crime control model is in occupied affirm of such authorities collected curricula to engage consequently. The due process model, however, deficiencies less government interest and more private venture. There is no conflict in how these policies are enforced because argue is centered whether the authorities generally is called for, no matter of the degree
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