Compare And Contrast Male And Female Attitudes Towards Sexuality In South Africa

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Name: Darren O’meara Student number: 205511162 Tutorial group: D1 Due Date: 21 October 2005 Tutor: Roy Dace Topic: “Compare and contrast male and female attitudes towards sexuality in South Africa?” In this academic essay by comparing and contrasting male and female attitudes towards sexuality in South Africa, I will attempt to show that South African males in a HIV-rife society have increasingly developed a destructive mentality. This is fuelled by the idea of their masculinity that views safe sex as an unnecessary practice and one of very little importance, and an account for why women say that safe sex practice is determined by their male partner(s) and why safe sex is viewed as a very problematic issue that is often purposely neglected by the females because it becomes a source of division between the two sexual partners which they prefer to prevent, In addition to this I will explore the social culture under which young sexually active and non-sexually active males and females have created which goes against proper safe sex practices that they confine themselves to in South Africa which arose as result of ‘eroding traditional values’(Selikow, 2005:69). I will contrast the effects of masculinity and femininity on the sexual behaviour of individuals which results in the same attitude towards sexuality in South Africa. I will briefly account for the popular concept of sex as a medium of exchange that is common amongst young male and females in South Africa and how this shared attitude goes against the idea of safe sex. In the process of doing this will prove that regardless of the similar yet different attitudes, sex practices in South Africa are ultimately not treated as a matter of urgency and are neglected irrespective of the knowledge of HIV/AIDS, STD’s and pregnancy. Young males and females in South

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