Compare and Contrast 'Warming Her Pearls' and "The New-Married Miner"

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Both speakers visualize exactly what their love interests will do that evening. In “Warming Her Pearls” the speaker imagines the luxurious evening her mistress is attending ‘…picture her dancing / with tall men’ and what her mistress will do when she returns home ‘Undressing, / taking off her jewels’. “The New-Married Miner” is similar to this as he also envisions his wife welcoming him home with a ‘scalding’ bath, and cleans him after his hard day of work, ‘rub and scrub me as hard as you can’. These two speakers are both deeply on love, and are acquainted to their loved ones and their routine. In “The New-Married Miner” the speaker knows what will happen when he gets home to his wife; he goes into detail about bathing and uses tactile words such as ‘Squeeze’, ‘Heat’, ‘Hold and fold’. This intimate knowledge of his wife’s cleaning routine, so much so that he can describe it in length and detail, shows his love and adoration for her. The speaker in “Warming Her Pearls” also has an intimate knowledge of her mistress’ routine, both when she is working for her and when she is not. While she is working for her, the speaker envisions what her mistress is doing, ‘All day I think of her, / resting in the Yellow Room, contemplating silk / or taffeta’. She knows the mistress so well that she believes, with a tone of confidence, that she knows exactly what her love is thinking which is very personal. She also envisions later while lying in her ‘attic bed’ the mistress getting ready for bed, ‘I see / her every movement in my head…’ and includes very personal and intimate details in tactile language such as ‘Undressing, / taking off her jewels’ and ‘slipping naked into bed, the way / she always does…’. Like the miner in “The New-Married Miner”, the speaker knows exactly what her mistress’ routine is, which demonstrates her infatuation and love for her and that the servant, like

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