Compare and Contrast Nazi and Soviet Aims and Policies Towards Religion.

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Topic: Compare and contrast Nazi and Soviet aims and policies towards religion. Both countries – Germany and the Soviet Union tried to minimize the effects of the Churches on people. Their leaders – Adolf Hitler in Germany and Joseph Stalin in the USSR wanted to make their ideologies the most important and effective. In the Nazi Germany the most known religious organization was Protestants and Catholics belonging to Christianity. In the Soviet Union it was Orthodox, Baptists and in smaller amounts Catholics and Protestants. Both countries used similar methods in achieving their ideological non-religious state. In the Nazi Germany the most persecuted religion was Judaism. During the Nazi Regime through a systematic genocide known as the Holocaust – almost 6 million people were killed throughout Nazi controlled Europe. They were taken into work or concentration camps. This hatred towards the Jews was a result of real belief in a new, assertive Aryan race. In the similar way, Stalin attacked the Muslim Faith. He controlled it all the time, closed the schools and mosques. The Christian and Nazi approaches shared some common outlooks. Both organizations showed respect for traditional cultural values, such as the importance of family life and in their hostility to communism. Also, in Lutheran Protestantism a tradition of respect for the state and nationalism was very important. However, Hitler brought up as Catholic, associated his beliefs clearly hostile to that faith. He wanted to replace Christianity with a new Aryan faith. Furthermore, the Churches were a potential obstacles to his reordering of the German people into committed followers of his totalitarian regime. His initial main concern was to gain control and support from the Churches hierarchies and then gradually to reduce their influence. Both organizations (Christianity and Nazism) nor opposed no
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