Compare And Contrast Classical China And Classical India

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The period in the history of civilization after the decline of the river valley culture is known as the classical, it runs from 1000 B.C.E until the 5th century. These civilizations grew well beyond their roots, expanding their empires and developing complex technology and societies. Developments within each of these expanding civilizations mark a signification period in world history. Classical China and Classical India are one of the most unique early civilizations during the Classical Period. They are known for their contributions to its modern world. China and India are similar and different in many ways. Both China and India had many similarities and differences in politics, economics, and religion. Three dynastic cycles are the Zhou, the Qin, and the Han.…show more content…
The Chinese believed in strict social groups and people were expected to behave according to their social position. This belief was further reinforced by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who taught that strict social order and discipline was the key to a successful society. Men and women in ancient China were not equal and men were afforded far more privileges than women. The Chinese strongly believed in the wisdom of the elders and, as such, grandparents were greatly respected beneath the emperor, there were four main social classes in ancient China. These four classes were nobles and officials, peasants, artisans and merchant. The emperor and his family were at the top of the social scale in ancient China. The emperor ruled from a palace in the capital city. Emperors believed that they were appointed by heaven and therefore did not need to obey humans. An emperor expected his subjects to be loyal and respectful. It was common for an emperor to have many wives to increase his chance of having a son. Once the emperor chose the son that he wanted to succeed him, the mother of the son would be having more respect. She was then able to grant favors to her family often. The noble class in

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