Community Psychology Assignment 1

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Community psychology and public health share some similarities and differences for an example they resemble each other in what they want to achieve and they both prevention oriented , however they tend to differ on they plan to achieve this depending on their roots. Community psychology for an example has its roots in community health movement with the intention to prevent mental illness and its consequent disruption of the usual patterns of living, it also focuses on promotion of mental health. Whereas public health was stimulated by unhealthy social conditions in both industrial urban and rural areas with an intention to combat the spread of infectious diseases by promoting, protecting and restoring people’s health, it also focuses on empowerment. To elaborate more on this public health embraces the primary health care approach as it also focuses on social pathologies, promotion and empowerment. Both approaches also saw a need to act due to lack of resources and treatment facilities as leading approaches that dealt with the mentally ill were not addressing the needs of majority of society, some like psychotherapy were effective but it seemed to only help certain individuals and did nothing to reduce the incidence of the disorder down the road like Albee said that our goal as community psychology is to reduce the incidence of the mentally ill. Another similarity is that both approaches are dealing with health and the well being of society in general not individuals. For an example one of the premises of the new public health is its holistic understanding o the individual, community, illness and health as the end results of complex interactions by which individuals and groups are socialized into behaving in certain ways and accepting certain conditions as normal, this premise is derived from a model known as socio-ecological model. Community psychology aims at to
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