Cognitive Therapy For Elderly

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Elders with Depression and Anxiety Kathy Whitten SCWK 531 May 1, 2013 Louise Patrick Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Elders with Depression and Anxiety Introduction Geriatric population is a population that I have worked with in one capacity or another for most of my professional working life. Recently, through my internship, I have seen many elderly that are depressed and either not on medication or having therapy. The elder does not like the idea of taking more medications or taking one for depression for cultural reasons, religious reasons, or personal reasons. I see quite a few self-neglect cases at the protective services area and the reason why most of them are neglecting their care and medications…show more content…
I have grown to appreciate their stories and treat them with the dignity that they deserve. It tears at my heart when I see one of them depressed or feeling anxious which seems like a fairly common occurrence with the clients that I see both in my everyday job or my internship. Of course the first step in the course of treatment would be to see the primary care physician and discuss the symptoms that the elder is having. As I stated earlier, most physicians are not trained to see depressive symptoms in the elderly. The elder needs to be their own advocate but if this does not take place then a family member or someone who works with them closely, such as myself, should make sure that someone, such as the agency I work for, or a family member or close friend is told about the elder’s feelings. Once the elder sees the physician, they can be diagnosed and treatment can be given either through medication, therapy, or…show more content…
Each group member will be asked to role play some of their negative emotions and what the situation was that triggered the emotion in order for the elder to understand the emotion and to be able to work through it so that in the future they can better cope with the emotion. This week is the week that I told the members to have their concrete goal in mind that they are working towards in the 12 week session. Most of them had come up with something that they had in mind but were not sure that it was definitely the change they wanted to make. I told them that in week 3 or 4 we would need a definite goal to work towards. We will go over the goals and see how many have common goals and discuss in dyads what they would suggest to the other member how to achieve that goal. It also gives the members a chance to help each other and feel as if they accomplished something. Then I will assign the next weeks homework which will be to look at just the positive moments and see how often they occurred during the week, acknowledge the moment at that point. Then we will go over what we

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