Coaching and Mentoring

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Coaching can be defined as improving performance at work by turning things that people do into learning situations, it is building on what the learner already knows and can do already but is unable to do alone. It is built on trust and collaboration. It creates a learning environment at work that will encourage learners to seek out evidence from practice, it will stretch and challenge them. Guidance and encouragement will then bring out and enhance strengths that are used day to day, coaches use open ended questions to help the coachee solve the problem themselves. The manager will have recognised the need for this coaching, which comes between facilitating and delegating on the leadership scale, and will then use it both long and short term. It is very effective in engaging the learner and helping them to reach their full potential by them working out their own solutions and asking questions of the coach. Resources can be used on a day to day basis to sustain learning. Coaching is" a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process and as well as the variety of skills styles and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place." The Manager as a Coach & Mentor, Eric Parsloe 1999 Mentoring is more a supportive role, guiding long term, but not necessarily in the workplace. The mentee usually recognises his needs and will search out a mentor who can give guidance , counselling and advice from his own superior experience. This is usually but not always more for professional development than skills and the mentor and mentee must build a relationship of trust. It can be a very informal relationship that takes place outside the workplace a sharing of experience and skills for the benefit of the mentee. The mentor
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