Cmgt/441 W2 Essay

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Information Security: Security Infraction A security infraction can be a damaging action, especially if that infraction brings about the appropriation of sensitive information by an outside source. In the context of this paper, sensitive information means names, dates of birth, personal records, or any other type of personal information that can be used to defraud an individual or a business. The outcome of such a infraction in security is usually the same; the loss of monetary funds or the injury to one’s assets. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impacts of such a security infraction that occurred within the Urology Medical office at the Henry Ford Health Systems hospital in Detroit, Michigan and then propose recommendations to prevent such as event from occurring in the future. Incident Background On September 24, 2010, a laptop was stolen from an unlocked Urology office at the Henry Ford Health Systems hospital. The laptop did contain password protection software; however, it may not have been enough to permit access if the thief had advanced knowledge in computers. Additionally, the information stored on the laptop did not include social security or health insurance information, but instead held patient names, medical record numbers, dates of birth, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and treatment and doctor visits. It is unknown how many records were contained on the laptop, but all records were related to prostate services that were provided during an eleven year span. Reaction to Incident Once it was revealed that the laptop was missing, Meredith Phillips, the chief privacy officer for the hospital, notified all involved patients by letter and offered each of them a free one-year credit monitoring service (Henry Ford Health System, 2010). The hospital also established a telephone help line that addressed patient concerns
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