Classical China and India Compare

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In my essay I will be comparing the similarities and differences of classical China and Classical India. I will give a complete outline of both societies and cultures and explain how classical civilizations compared with each other. I will start off by talking about the politics of both civilizations. Both civilizations had dynasties as their political powers. The difference is that India did not have a strong central power at all. Their central power spread thin as their territory expanded outward. With China, the government kept a strong central power even with expansion of territory. Now moving to the economics of both civilizations. They were both quite different. China did not believe in trading much with other countries at all: in a sense of, they already had all they needed which was an elitist style view on other countries. So they traded with themselves and did business with themselves. Most of their money came from agriculture. On the other hand, India was huge into trading. Because of their location they were located to many other countries on the water. So this convenient location allowed for easy access to other goods from countries that had things that they couldn’t get themselves. Also their water location allowed for money to be made from fishing and other water business. Next is the religion of both civilizations. Religion played a huge role in both civilizations. The religions shaped how society acted and functioned. For example, in India there was Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism was more famous throughout India but Buddhism was also relevant. Hinduism is the religion that shaped what the social classes were. It also established what was morally right, wrong, and what punishments within society were. Buddhism came around after Hinduism, and stared to expand to other countries unlike Hinduism did. Buddhism was more of

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