Cj 297 Juvenile vs. Adult Activities

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Itagia S Lualemaga 11-03-2010 CJ-297 JUVENILE vs. ADULT CORRECTION ACTIVITY “Part 1 – Juvenile” Delinquent Child: It refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by a children or adolescents, for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers. A Juvenile Delinquent child is one who repeatedly commits crime. These juvenile delinquents sometimes have mental disorders behaviors issues such as post traumatic stress disorder or bipolar disorder, and are sometimes diagnosed with conduct disorder partially as a result of their delinquent behaviors. Undisciplined Child: If a child wasn’t train in the necessary social moral or good manner, you are starving a child from his future goal and behavior. Today we see thousand of teens, young adults and so called “baby boomers” whose lives are wreck because they cannot cope with life, unable to stand in his/her two feet and unable to comprehend why they are so unsuccessful at virtually everything they attempts to do. Dependent Child: Dependent child is the one who’s in need of proper and effective parental care and control and has no parent or guardian, or the parent or guardian willing to exercise or is incapable of excising care and control. A child who is destitute, or who is not provided with the necessities of life, where the home is “unfit” by reason of abuse, neglect, cruelty or depravity by a parent, guardian or other person having care or custody of the child. A child under the age of 18 years of age who found to have committed an act that would result in adjudication as a delinquent or incorrigible child committed by an older juvenile or child. A child is found to be dependent, and the parents will be given an opportunity to participate in services so that reunification can occur. Neglected Child: A child less than 18 years of age whose physical, mental or emotional condition has becoming

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