"Cinderella and Princess Culture" Critique

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All over the world, girls often go through a "princess phase", made up with anything pink and pretty. When it happened to Peggy Orenstein's daughter, the writer decided to examine the phenomenon. She found that the “girlie-girl” culture was less innocent than it might seem, and can have negative consequences for girls' psychological, social and physical development. From a very young age, girls learn to define themselves from the outside in, and a lot of researches suggest that our culture’s emphasis on physical beauty is the root of problems such as negative body image, depression, eating disorders and high-risk sexual behavior. I strongly agree with the Peggy Orenstein’s article. In my opinion, we have to forget the stereotypes that had been thought for years. Is a girl predisposed to play with pretty dolls wearing pink clothes? Definitely not. By only handing a girl pink playthings for the first three years of her life, she may decide pink is her favorite color because “that’s what girls like.” In fact, researchers think that parents and other social factors lead children to prefer gender-specific toys. Some of these things, like the Disney princesses and all the princess culture related, seemed innocent and protective. But maybe it's not. Parents need to have more context about girls' culture to understand the decisions they're making and make them so that they'll be in concert with their values. A 2009 study found that 31 per cent of “girl” toys are all about appearance, involving plastic makeup and dresses. Meanwhile, toys targeted to boys encourage invention, exploration, competition, problem solving. These are all skills associated with highly desirable employees and leaders. I think that parents have to avoid walking exclusively down the Barbie aisle at stores, and instead provide your child with games and toys that encourage scientific discovery,

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