Analysis of Barbie Doll Poem

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Life as Plastic Both today and yesterday's society have created a mold that young women are expected to fit in to. Tall, tan and slender girls are often looked at as the beautiful members of society. The positive and wonderful qualities of both women and men are often overlooked because of physical appearance and image. Marge Piercy accurately portrays the unreachable standards placed on women to be beautiful from adolescence into adulthood by her use of fluctuating tone and effective symbolism in her poem “Barbie Doll”. The poem follows a young girl from her childhood to her adulthood in a third person omniscent point of view. This young girl is a representation for all the girls who face the same unfair standards in today's society. Piercy effectively portrays how the girl changes and evolves by using a tone that evolves along with her growth. It starts in line one when Piercy says, “This girlchild was born as usual” (1). Piercy analyzes the girl from birth and uses a detached, expecting tone to portray her normality. In lines two through five Piercy creates a bitter tone when talking about the toys her parents presented her as a child. Piercy's tone can also seem as if she is disgusted because she talks about the “dolls that did pee pee” and uses a sarcastic alliteration when she said “lipsticks the color of cherry candy” (2-4). At this point it is clear the child is a toddler or in adolescence since she plays with these toys that little girls are expected to pay with at that age. The first stanza abruptly ends with “You have a great big nose and fat legs.” (6). This is stated in a factual tone in order to portay the girls low self esteem and acceptance of these false attributes. The young girl enters adulthood and the tone shifts into a more positive light. The young girls positive qualities are introduced when Piercy says, “She was healthy, tested

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