Chronic Disease Assessment

525 Words3 Pages
Chronic Disease Risk Assessment The most common cause of death in both women and men is heart disease. More than thirty percent of all deaths are caused by heart disease. The term ‘heart disease’ refers to the most frequent condition affecting the heart, which is known as coronary artery disease. It is caused by blockages in the blood vessels that feed the coronary arteries. People with coronary artery disease build up large amounts of plaque that contains a large amount of cholesterol that builds up inside the coronary arteries. The blood flow to the heart will eventually be impaired, causing damage to the heart muscle. A heart attack is permanent damage, which actually kills a portion of the heart. Sudden cardiac death will occur if the…show more content…
One of the life style choices that will help decrease your modifiable risk factors for heart disease is exercising regularly. Inactivity is a big risk factor for heart disease and even the modest level of low intensity exercise such as walking, gardening, housework, and dancing can help decrease your modifiable risk factors for heart disease. Along with exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight is also a great way to help decrease your modifiable risk factors for heart disease. High fats, high sugar, and high calorie diets are a direct risk and they invite risk by causing obesity, that causes strain on the heart, forcing it to push blood through the many miles of capillaries that supply each pound of fat. A heart that has to continuously move blood through an overabundance of vessels may become damaged. Overweight people are more likely to heart disease even if they have no other risk factors. Managing stress can also help decrease your modifiable risk factors for heart disease. The more that people worry about problems in life or the more that they are impatient, the more stress it puts on the heart and can increase your modifiable risk factors for heart disease. Being impatient and stressing out may lead to high blood pressure as well. So in conclusion there are many life style choices you can make and need to make to help decrease your modifiable risk factors for heart

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