China After the Opium War

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China after the Opium War: History 1.) The Treaty of Nanking has been labeled one of the “Unequal Treaties.” Why might it be characterized that way? What might have made it “equal.”? - Following the fair and just letters from Lin Tse-hsu to Queen Victoria, regarding the Opium trade in China and the six million dollar destruction of Opium. The British government retaliated with much force, resulting in Chinese defeat, which then forth became the Treaty of Nanking. The Treaty of Nanking is labeled as one of the “Unequal Treaties” for many reasons. When Britain implemented the Treaty of Nanking, much of the life that China knew would soon be no more, the island of Hong Kong was forced over to British ownership and control, rights were taken away, tariffs implemented, and the destruction of Opium by Lin caused a six million dollar “refund” to England. Since China was a closed nation, with an old-fashioned way of life and military technology, this caused a great disadvantage for them, trying to fight against what British was doing to their country. China had no say or control to what Britain was doing to them, and no way of fighting back or retaliating. The only way that England and China could have come to a more fair and equal treaty is if they had respected what Lin said in his letters to the Queen, and tried to understand that they were selling illegal drugs to China, which was hurting and killing the Chinese people, their ways of life, and economy. 2.) What were the short and long-term effects of this treaty on the people of China? Please remember to be thorough, and to use examples from the textbook excerpt to support your answer. - There were several immediate effects caused by the Treaty of Nanking; with Opium trade continuing, the Chinese people’s
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