Child Trafficking in Cambodia

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Cambodia, captivating history and culture, ancient cities and legendary temple’s, rich culture heritage attract an estimated amount of 3 quarter of a million some visitor’s each year, but not all for that reason. Child trafficking is one of the top problems we face today in Cambodia and United States. This raging increase of child trafficking is not only in third world countries, but is coming to the Nation were moral values is our priority “America”. Child trafficking is a horrendous crime that exploits an estimated amount of hundreds of thousands children boys and girls as young as 5, to be sold or forced to have sex with grown men. Cambodia has been through a lot over the last several years, war had corrupted, famine and brutal dictatorship the country that now lye’s in poverty. The average income would surprise us here in the USA. As little as 150 for 3 months pays for a police officer. The average yearly income which to some is considerably high is 300. As people lye in poverty there animosity to get out of their current situations sometimes leads them some sell and trade there young ones for a few extra dollars. If not sold, children are promised a better life to only end up in the hands of these perverts. Each year foundations try to help this country with not only the living conditions but child trafficking with groups such as Invisible Children. US, with the help of the Bush administration has funded the country one million dollars. The children speak louder as they have told investigator that most men that visit Cambodia for sex or sexual acts are Americans. To stand on this land of the free and be fueling children trafficking is a real eye opener. In one instance, American Doctor Jerry Albom was prosecuted for visiting Cambodia for child sex slavery. A writer posted this on Huffington Post “Surprisingly, it often involves people you would never

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