Chicago Housing Authority Case Study

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By: David Kim Chicago Housing Authority The Chicago Housing Authority was first established in 1937, and was built under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Chicago Housing Authority provided housings for the people who receives low income, or people that are having trouble with poverty. Chicago Housing Authority also dealt with segregation between the African-Americans and the whites. However, HUD took over in 1995 after seeing the poor performance and mismanagement and within that same year, high-rise buildings were demolished in order to redevelop this entire community. HUD abolished segregation and allowed middle-class families to join with the lower class, creating a harmonizing community. A famous case known as the Gautreaux case also impacted the…show more content…
Gautreaux Vs Cha was a lawsuit that was made for public housing segregation. It was filed by Dorothy Gautreaux in 1969 through federal court and the case went on although she was dead. “The Chicago Housing Authority and HUD had violated the US constitution which states that everyone is equal.” The purpose was to develop a law that would help all race, the riches and the poor to integrate. HUD and CHA created a plan that specifically had African- Americans to mobilize in to the white areas surrounding the city. In order to relocate 7100 families, it took well over 20 years. This was commissioned by Judge Austin to desegregate. This has ended in 1998 but it created a legacy and gave much more opportunity to the African-Americans. The whole purpose of this case was to unify each race and each social status together. In order to do so, the Gautreaux case was created. The mobilization of the African-American families was called the scattered-site program. It had 2000 units for 57 diverse neighborhoods. Comparing to the CHA in the past “before the turning point” you can see the vast

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