Cheasepeake vs. New England

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American colonies were founded by groups of people who differed greatly in peoples own reasons for leaving England. The Chesapeake region was colonized by those seeking economic opportunity whereas the New England region was colonized by those seeking either to escape religious persecution or establish religious freedom. One would hardly expect these two very different groups to establish ways of life that were exactly the same. Moreover, the different geographies of the colonies only made the path that the colonies took more diverse. By 1750, the New England and Chesapeake colonies exhibited pronounced economic, social and political diversity due to both the differing motives for colonization and the differing geographies of the regions. Essentially, the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies were founded by people with distinctly different motives, the two region’s social, economic, and political developments varied greatly. The New England colonists were interested in escaping religious persecution and seeking spiritual enlightenment. This indicated that many of the colonist left England in families which varied the number of population in these colonies (Doc F). In addition the colonist placed a strong emphasis on education, as evidenced by the 1647 Massachusetts ‘Old Deluder Satan Law’ which mandated that if a town exceeded a certain threshold of families it must start a school. Interestingly enough, their own experience with religious persecution in England did not necessarily make them tolerant of other religions, as evidenced by the events that led up to the Half-Way Covenant and the Salem witch trials. Roger Williams, however, founded Rhode Island with the express purpose of religious tolerance (Doc A), and thus this colony was socially different than other New England colonies due to the different motives of its colonists. The Chesapeake
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