Character Analysis: We Are Not In It Alone

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We’re Not In It Alone Vivian and Molly have made it as far as they have because of the kindness and charity of the people who helped them, particularly through their hardest times. Both of them have had hard times, especially Vivian, but always when things looked the most bleak someone was there to save them. This theme can be seen throughout the book, and it connects the characters thoroughly in many ways. Without that help Molly and Vivian would’ve never found each other, and they’d also never have been able to help each other in the ways they did. The first time this theme can be seen in a major way is on pages 158-159. During this portion of the book Vivian is truly saved by her teacher Ms. Lawson. After an attempted sexual assault…show more content…
In a slight way with Jack as he makes sure she doesn’t have to go to juvie, but it’s truly shown on pages 258-259 when Vivian pays it forward to Molly and saves her. In this portion of the book Molly has been kicked out of the foster home she was in for the duration of the book. She doesn’t really have anywhere to go and if she went back into the system she would have to move and leave her life behind. Her boyfriend, her last year of high school in a familiar place, and many other things forcing her to start over, a difficult thing to do, especially at her age. Thankfully though Vivian comes through and gives Molly a room in her house. This is yet another example of a well written passage. Emotions of elation, and relief pour in as Molly finally has a place to call her own. A place she’s comfortable at with people she’s comfortable with, simple pleasures she hasn’t been able to enjoy for the majority of he life. The writing style reflects this, her room described in stunning detail, “facing the ocean”, “a light cotton curtain dances constantly in the breeze, sucked toward the screen and out again, billowing towards the sink, an amiable ghostly presence.” (258) An idealistic setting by any account. Also a connection is present to the prologue, “an amiable ghostly present” reminiscent of the benevolent ghosts described by Vivian. On the next page we see the word “Options” all by itself and italicized, in regard to Molly having options for which rooms she wants and how she wants to use them. This displays its significance. Options, they’re something Molly has never had in her life. She's always been told what to do, and usually how to do it, resulting in little freedom for her. Now with Vivian she has that freedom, as the author so eloquently puts it, “It’s as if she’s been walking on a wire, trying to keep her balance, and now, for the first time, she is on solid ground” and that means the world to her,
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