Chapter Six Essay

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Ch 6. Review Question 1. List four items that are personal protective equipment (PPE). 2. What are the types of fire extinguishers and their usage? 3. What items are included in a typical first aid box? Chapter Quiz 1. What do you call the service technician’s protective head cover? 2. All safety glasses should meet the standards set by _________. 3. When washing hands, the water should at what temperature? 4. Hearing protection should be worn anytime the noise level exceeds ________. 5. Two technicians are discussing the safe use of a wrench. Technician A says that a wrench should be pulled towards. Technician B says that a wrench should be pushed away from you. Which technician is correct? 6. Exhaust hoses should be used because one of the exhaust gases is deadly in high concentration. This gas is _________. 7. The process of combustion occurring without an open flame is called ___________. 8. When using a fire extinguisher, what word can be used to remember what to do? 9. Which type of fire extinguisher can create a corrosive compound when discharged? 10. Which item is usually not included in a first aid kit? Review Answers 1. Safety Glasses, Steel toe shoes, Gloves, bump cap. 2. Class A is designed for use on general combustibles, such as cloth, paper, and wood. Class B is designed for use on flammable liquids and greases, including gasoline oil, oil, thinners, and solvents. Class C is used only on electrical fires. Class D is effective only on combustible metals such as powered aluminum, sodium or magnesium. 3.The items that are included in a typical first aid box are bandages, Gauss pads, Rolled Gauss, Iodine swab sticks, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream, burn gel packets, and eye wash solution. Chapter Quiz Answers 1. The service

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