Chapter 6 Consulting with Juvenile and Civil Courts

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Chapter 6 Consulting With Juvenile and Civil Courts Chapter Objectives After reading the chapter, students should be able to: * Describe the roles and responsibilities of psychologists consulting with non-criminal courts. * Understand the juvenile court system and its history. * Identify landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases pertaining to the rights and protection of juveniles. * Illustrate the methods and procedures used in psychological assessments of juveniles. * Explain juvenile comprehension of constitutional rights. * Describe social science research on false confessions of juveniles. * Describe the roles of psychologists and other mental health professionals in family and probate courts, including child custody evaluations and arrangements. * Illustrate the various issues involving competence to consent to treatment. * Understand the many questions and problems concerning involuntary civil commitment. * Articulate the challenges of psychologists and other mental health professionals in evaluating the effects of sexual harassment. Summary Although criminal courts are covered extensively in various media, the average person is far more likely to come into direct contact with civil courts. In this chapter, the authors offer a representative overview of the types of civil cases that are most likely to require the services that forensic psychologists can provide. Juvenile courts are given considerable attention, both because they have much in common with criminal courts and because psychologists are so often a part of that landscape. The same comments can be made about family courts, where decisions involving custody, orders of relief from abuse, and termination of parental rights may be made. Readers should be reminded that many jurisdictions do not have separate juvenile courts for delinquency proceedings but rather

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