Chapter 13 Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

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CHAPTER 2-5 Multiple Choice Questions (In no particular order) 1492-1600 1. Which of the following were the first to cultivate food crops in America? a. European colonists in South America b. Indians along the Atlantic seaboard of North America c. Jesuit missionaries in southern California d. Indians in central Mexico 2. Women were most likely to hold political positions in: a. Hunting tribes b. Tribes with no sexual division of labor c. Agricultural tribes d. Nomadic tribes 3. Black slavery was introduced to Europe by the a. French b. Spanish c. English d. Portuguese 4. Under the encomienda system, a. Spanish Jesuits undertook the task of converting Indians to the Christian faith. b.…show more content…
The puritans came into the region with the intent of enslaving the Pequots c. The presence of English settlers in the area disrupted the trade patterns on which Pequot war was based d. The migrations disrupted Pequot society, which was based on total isolation from the outside world. 31. How did the lifestyles of white New England settlers differ from the lifestyles of their counterparts in the Chesapeake? a. Because New Englanders moved a great deal, their homes were not as sturdy as those in the Chesapeake b. Most New Englanders moved to America in family groups, while most Chesapeake migrants had come as individuals seeking economic opportunity c. The harshness of the New England environment meant a higher infant mortality rate and smaller families in New England than in the Chesapeake d. Unlike New Englanders who cleared new fields every few years, residents of the Chesapeake used the same fields year after year 32. Anne Hutchinson challenged Puritan orthodoxy by expressing which of the following beliefs? a. She taught that the elect could communicate directly with god b. She preached that divorces was an unforgivable sin c. She called for the ordination of women as
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