Changes Before and After the Congress of Vienna

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Introduction The Congress of Vienna held on September 1814 to June 1815 was one of the most important conferences in European history called to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. It was a congress of the Great powers of Europe which met to settle the future boundaries of the Continent and almost every state in Europe was represented. The Congress was symbolized by a grand opening with magnificent balls and entertainments but the serious business was full of intrigues and rivalries. The Congress was held in order to draw up a plan to alter Europe politically and territorially so as to prevent the extensive expansion of any one great power, such as that Napoleon had brought about. Creating a balance of power among powerful nations of Europe, reinstating conservative regimes, containing France and reaching an agreement to cooperate with each other were the goals of the congress which illustrated the attitude of the national representatives present and supported the overall purpose of preventing future widespread conflict. THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA The Congress of Vienna took place with the major aim of stopping the war. The people were trying to relate in order to stop war and for the states to gain more powers. The Napoleonic wars that had destabilized Europe drove nations to search for peace; national representatives from both small and great powers shared at least a common goal, search for peace despite the national interests. This is reflected in the minutes during the negotiations at Chatillon of 7th February 1814: Caula ‘’ M. de Caulaincourt.—If I yield to your proposal, will it bring us to a conclusion and stop the war?.... Count Stadion.— We come certainly to make peace. . M. de incourt.—If I adopt your propositions, will it bring you immediately to peace, and make you state the compensations you will give?..’’ It is noteworthy that the

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