Cbt Theory Essay

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Theory Assignment Cogitative Behavioural Therapy, also referred to as CBT, has its roots in the work of early behaviourist such as Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Frederic Skinner & Hans Eysenck & the cognitive therapy movement inspired by Albert Ellis & Aaron Beck. Behaviour Therapy came into being due to changing views about Freud’s psychodynamic approach, which had dominated scientific beliefs since its inception during the early 1900’s. Behavioural Therapy was used extensively throughout the 1950’s & 1960’s & was considered very successful, especially when used with client’s who had anxiety issues or obsessive-compulsive disorders. However during the 1970’s some therapists were becoming frustrated with traditional Behavioural Therapy as it tended to focus on correcting behaviours without focussing on how thoughts & emotions impacted on a person & prevented behavioural change taking place. Ellis, whose work was influenced by Alfred Adler & behaviourists John Dollard & Joseph Wolpe, began developing what is now known as Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT). His model was based on the philosophy that our perception of what is happening, affects us more greatly than the actual events themselves. Psychiatrist Aaron Beck also began looking at how our behaviour is determined by attitudes & assumptions derived from previous experiences & how these could be a block to behavioural therapy on its own. He began to develop his own model using techniques that amalgamated both behavioural & cognitive therapy, which he called Cognitive Therapy. This model has evolved into what we now recognise as CBT. The theory underpinning CBT is that there is a direct link between how we think that affects how we feel & in turn how we behave. The basic cognitive behavioural model shows how the connection
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