Causes Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Esther Fagbemi 3-9-12 English H Dejong The Great Gatsby The jazz Age or The Roaring Twenties, The Great Gatsby is a defining novel of the Twenties. The novel is set in a get-rich-quick decade that brought organizations of crime, during the Prohibition. The characters Daisy Buchanan, Jay Gatsby, and Tom Buchanan are the leading cause of corruption in the novel. In The Great Gatsby, the love of materialistic things was the cause of the corruption in the society. Daisy Buchanan was in love with materialistic things from the very beginning when Gatsby says “She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me” (Fitzgerald 137).The fact that Daisy would leave Gatsby for Tom Buchanan just because he was poor, really shows her love for material. Daisy’s’ materialistic values is what corrupted her. That Corruption is what Gatsby later explained to Nick about the car accident, “Well, first Daisy turned away from the woman toward the other car, and then she lost her nerve and turned back. Daisy action shows her corrupting, since she kept driving without caring that she hit Myrtle. Daisy love for materialistic things is what causes her to live…show more content…
From the very beginning Nick shows how Gatsby was materialistic “he took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them one by one before daisy” (Fitzgerald 98). As he was trying to impress Daisy, his love materialistic things began to grow. He was always trying to live up to daisy standards. This materialistic thing is what made Gatsby desperate which led to his destruction or corruption. This corruption was what Tom revealed to Daisy “ he and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of side street drug stores here in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter” (Fitzgerald 141). Gatsby desire to impress Daisy is what involved him with the business with Wolfshiem. His love for materials is what made people perceive him as a corrupted

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