Social Factors: Social Issues And Social Problems In Zimbabwe

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Social problems or known as social issues are matters which directly affect a person or many persons of a society which is consider being problems or issues which related to moral values. Under certain point of view of politics, it can consider as distinct from economic issues. It has been a serious issue among all over the globe. Each country around the world trying to reduce social problem occurred because it will seriously giving an impact towards the specific location which was being occurred. They understand that social problems are a chain cycle of different issues which affecting politics, peace, economics and even moral values. Countries which are facing economy crisis are always those who are facing this issue. Crime rate normally…show more content…
Zimbabwe start to face hyperinflation during 2003 until current date. The unstable politics which chase away foreign investors causing the highest unemployment rate in the world. A record of 80% was recorded during 2005. The hyperinflation which prices is doubling every 1.3 days totally giving an heavy impact on its country politics, economics and also social problems till today. The social problem which was affecting major factors are causing the citizens to flee themselves from the country. The economic meltdown and repressive measure in Zimbabwe have led to a flood of refugees into neighboring countries. An estimated 3.4 million of population, a quarter of the country population had fled abroad during…show more content…
However culture is one of the factor which we always neglected. People tend to think culture is just a normal change of life style. However we were not serious enough to look into this factor. The leading concepts of life style will always affecting people around the globe. During 1990’s western culture invaded Asia through the window of entertainment. Since then various types of social problems were actually indirectly affected by culture. Such as illegal racing. Heavy corruption is one of another cause which affects social problems. We can see that more and more illegal businesses are situated in our surrounding areas such as gambling and prostitution. Why all these illegal business are still able to operate. How come this type of businesses and last for so long without any action taken against them? We also always see that a lot of people tend to bribe law enforcers in order to away from trouble. And this seems like become a culture for people to solve their problems or avoid from their responsibility for not obeying the law or performing a
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